Model Photography
Photography Palm Coast Studio offers Kids Male Female Model Actor Talent Photography Portfolio. Studio works with experience and un-experience Models Actors and Talents. We build full Talent Portfolios and partial Talent Portfolios. Partial Model Talent Actor Portfolio price starts from $300. During Talent photography session our professional female photographer will advise and direct talent.
Model Portfolio
Photography Palm Coast Studio, FL Photography Palm Coast Studio, FL Photography Palm Coast Studio, FL
Headshots $300 Flash drive with all photos (80 images), 1 location, 1 outfit, 3 edited photos
Photography Palm Coast Studio, FL Photography Palm Coast Studio, FL
Partial Portfolio $500 Flash drive with all photos (150 images), 2 locations, 2 outfits, 5 edited photos
Photography KJ Studio, Atlanta GA Photography KJ Studio, Atlanta GA Photography KJ Studio, Atlanta GA
Full Portfolio $600 Flash drive with all photos (200 images), 2 locations, 3 outfits, 7 edited photos
Photography Palm Coast Studio, FL Photography Palm Coast Studio, FL Photography Palm Coast Studio, FL
Boudoir $600 Flash drive with all photos (50 – 80 images), 3 outfits, 7 edited photos, session length 2 hours
Photography Palm Coast Studio, FL Photography Palm Coast Studio, FL Photography Palm Coast Studio, FL
All Day Shoot $1000 Flash drive with all photos (300 images), 3 location, 5 outfit, 10 edited photos
Payment & Delivery
Please note that a 50% deposit is required to hold / book a date. Although deposits are non refundable, you can reschedule a photo session by phone, e-mail or in person at least 2 days before your scheduled date. If a client cancels a photo session for any reason with less than 48 hours, we do not refund the deposit and do not guarantee to reschedule a session.
A flash drive is delivered to the client 2-5 business days after the photo session. Edited photographs are delivered to the client 2–4 weeks after the photo session. Next day delivery is available for Edited Photos for an additional $50 per photograph. (Edited photographs are delivered by e-mail.) The client chooses which photographs they wish to have edited. Additional edited / retouched photographs can be ordered at anytime for an additional $25 per photograph.
Spyglass Crescent Beach Florida Spyglass Crescent Beach Florida Spyglass Crescent Beach Florida
About Model Actor Talent Photography
Photography Palm Coast Studio offers Model Talent Actor Portfolio. Studio works with experience and un-experience Models Actors and Talents. We build Complete Talent Portfolio and Partial Talent Portfolio. Partial Model Talent Actor Portfolio price starts from $300. During photography shoot Studio professional photographer will advise and direct Talent Actor or Model during all photography session.
Model Talent Actor Portfolios offered for all ages. Our professional female photographer will provide you outstanding photographs for your modeling or acting career to grow. Photographs are done outdoor or any location requested by a client to give our models, talents and actors more options to choose from. Modeling and Acting photography sessions include Headshots, Full Body and Close Up photographs. We offer up to 6 different outfits during the photo shot like sport, business, casual, elegant, bikini, swimsuit, day, evening and night look. If you are looking for model comp cards, professional Headshots or want to have your Model Actor digital images done we can help you with that as well! See or ask us about our discount, specials and promo packages. Photography Palm Coast Studio Talent Portfolios fit any budget. Our customers are important to us and we want to make sure they have an affordable photography services for a reasonable price in Palm Coast and areas around.
Photography Palm Coast Studio offers Female, Male and Kids modeling and acting portfolios. If you are looking for model or actor comp cards or want to update your model port you are in the right place! We work with professional and un-professional Models Actors helping and directing them step by step.
To Schedule an Appointment
Phone (386)338-1408; (305)877-9875 Email:
Questions, Booking, Reservation request answered within 24 hours. Hablamos español.