Business Headshots Photographer
$200 includes all photos in high resolution (25 photographs via digital download), 1 look (outfit provided be a client), 2 professionally retouched photos, 1 background option, print release and copyrights. The photography session length is approximately 20 minutes.
$250 includes all photos in high resolution (35 photographs via digital download), 2 different looks (outfits provided be a client), 3 professionally retouched photos, 1 background option, print release and copyrights. The photography session length is 30 minutes.
The Headshots photographer in Palm Coast offers headshot session staring at $100. Please, call us to set up an appointment. Digital photographs available same day. Edited photographs available during 24 – 48 hours.
Phone: (386)338-1408; (386)312-7731; Email:
Questions, Booking, Reservation request answered within 24 hours. Hablamos español.